Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally with Egg Rubbing
White eggs contain a high amount of protein. If you rub the inside contents of a white egg on your stretch marks three times a day, you can expect good results about those marks’ fading.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally with Potatoes
The sap/juice of potato contains minerals, which are essential for restoring skin cells (for getting rid of stretch marks). All you have to do is select a fresh potato and slice it into a few medium sized pieces. Make sure the presence of sufficient juice in all of those slices. Then you can take and rub them on your stretch marks, one by one. Finally, when the rubbing is done, just wait for the juices to dry up and then you can wash them off using lukewarm water.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally with Olive Oil
As you know, olive oil is infused with vitamin-E, which is very good for your skin (also can help to reduce stretch marks). So you can try applying olive oil over your stretch marks.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally with Sugar
White sugar with a little blend of almond oil is very useful and can also help a lot to fade your stretch marks up to a high extent. Just rub them over your stretch marks and wait ten minutes to allow the mixture to settle down. Afterwards, you can wash it off.
Increasing Vitamin-C Consumption to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally
If vitamin-C is taken as an oral supplement alongside the glycolic acid, it can help to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.
About the using the natural methods to get rid of stretch marks, few things are to be remembered, such as-
- All the natural methods for stretch marks reduction are long term treatments so they must not be discontinued or given a break.
- All the ingredients used in these methods are mostly natural and eco-friendly and of course, effective in the reduction of stretch marks, but they will take longer time do so (as mentioned before, their use will be like a long term treatment).
Artificial Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast
If you want swift, short term ways to get rid of your stretch marks, then you can follow the following:
Administering Moisturisers to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
If you administer moisturisers like lotions or Vaseline on your stretch marks, you are likely to get benefited (according to the results of a few reliable researches). They are particularly more effective for the newer stretch marks than the older ones.
Applying Retinoic Acid Cream to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
If you smear a bit of retinoic acid cream or Retin-A, you are likely to get high enhancement regarding your stretch marks. It works on the same principle like moisturisers, greatly effective on new stretch marks and a little less effective on old ones. But you should try to avoid exposing yourself to the sun while you have applied this cream. But the use of this acid during pregnancy should be avoided at all costs.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy with Glycolic Acid
This acid works on an anti-stretch mark principle. As you know, stretch marks are caused due to tearing of skin dermis i.e. when the skin is suddenly extended beyond its usual elasticity level by a sudden event/force. But on the contrary, glycolic acid increases the elasticity level of skin, particularly in the area of application. This acid can be applied during pregnancy too, as it is safe enough.
Laser Treatment to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
Laser treatment can be used as a suitable solution to get rid of stretch marks. For new stretch marks, the vascular laser is recommended. But for the old ones, laser resurfacing is preferred. But both of the methods have some side effects and are quite costly.
Mixture of Retin-A and Glycolic Acid to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
A combination or mixture of Retin-A and glycolic acid can be used to reduce the stretch marks result by a substantial amount.
So above are a few artificial methods which are commonly used for getting rid of stretch marks. You can see a significant improvement for your stretch marks if you can apply these techniques, but few things should be kept in mind before proceeding, such as-
- These methods are of course scientifically proved, but precaution should still be exercised in case of any allergic reactions.
- You should take counsel from a dermatologist before applying these techniques, just to ensure that there cannot be any sudden complications for the patient.
- As these methods are artificial, they can help you to get rid of stretch marks fast, but they can also include some toxic ingredients so be careful about the process you are going to use.
If you want to get rid of stretch marks fast and conveniently, we suggest you follow one of the above mentioned methods. Of course, it is good to take a doctor’s suggestion or prescription before proceeding with any of the methods. Proper application/administration of the required process may just help you to embark on a new stage or chapter in your life.
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